
Helping Employers Prepare for the Covid-19 Vaccine 2.0

Written by HR Pro, Krissy Fuller

Wait what? There’s a vaccine???  No, it’s not groundhogs day – if you read our first blog about the vaccine you’ve read that line before. The difference is this time – the vaccine is here!  

While you and your employees may not be scrambling to get one (roll out’s and distribution take time), it is a good idea to start thinking about what your company wants to do regarding vaccines.

Mandatory vs Non-Mandatory Vaccine Policies

What’s the liability to the company if we do or don’t adopt a policy? Do employees want them? Not sure which is right for your company?  There’s a lot that goes into deciding whether or not your company will select a mandatory or non-mandatory vaccine policy. I’m sure right about now, you’re probably wishing there was a fairy godmother that could wave a wand and make it happen.  

While we don’t have fairy godmothers to dole out (wouldn’t that be fun?), we do have some resources for you that may help get you started on your path towards adopting a policy.  The CDC created a few audience-specific toolkits ( we love a good toolkit) that you can find HERE that cover different areas for healthcare teams and community administrators. There is also a toolkit for Social Media messaging about the vaccine HERE (shout out to the CDC for this one and thinking about all avenues) to assist you in any social media posts!  What about employees who have concerns about their personal health situation? We recommend you share THIS website the CDC created where individuals can look up vaccine recommendations for specific groups (breastfeeding, disabilities, underlying medical conditions, etc).

We’ve all become too familiar with the ever-changing COVID landscape, rest assured if there are changes, we’ve got you covered.  We are always working to obtain all the necessary information to pass along to all of you.  But in the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, and keep coming back for more info.  We like visitors!


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