Let’s have a real conversation about how to lead from the heart, put our employees first, communicate with care, all with love and respect for our companies and workforces. This is “HR from the Heart” with LeiLani Quiray, CEO of be the change HR.
I named my business, be the change HR, Inc., after the famous quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – M. Gandhi
As a leader, you must do the work yourself! Before you project everything else going on in your life on others, make sure the work is being done for yourself.
In order to truly heal the world around us, we must first look inward and heal ourselves. That is being a leader with the true power of character.
Take who YOU are and put yourself out into the world! It’s the best thing that you can do. Are you being the change that you want to see in the world?
#EngagementMachine #leadership #bethechangeHR
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