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3 Things Every HR Program Needs

Written by Raul Pereyra HR Pro|Human Resources Consultant This is the most important sentence: Your Human Resources department…

May 17, 2021

The Importance of a Company’s Purpose

Written by Nigel Hartley, a Business Advisor with Shirlaws Are you fully aware of the effect of…

May 4, 2021

What’s Missing from Your Employee Handbook?

Written by Valerie Battles, HR Pro & Consultant By now, you may be thinking “I have less than…

Mar 30, 2021

What body parts can I show at work? – Asking For A Friend

Where do we begin with this one? Let’s try this, let’s use the character from the…

Mar 29, 2021

What if my employee is arrested? – Asking For A Friend

Okay, we have a curveball for you! One day you’re in the office and you notice…

Mar 29, 2021

Why do you need a disciplinary action form?

Written by Raul T. Pereyra, HR Pro & Consultant Great employers such as you establish standards and…

Mar 24, 2021

General Counsel Corner – California Labor Laws From a General Counsel’s Perspective

Written by Lee R Goldberg, Esq.www.callawyers.comMarch 8, 2021 All California businesses that “hire” the services of an…

Mar 17, 2021

Why do people hate HR? – Asking For A Friend

Question, how many times have you heard your co-worker or boss complain about the HR department?…

Mar 15, 2021

Can I fire my employees? – Asking For A Friend

As an employer or even a manager, there may come a time when you have to…

Mar 15, 2021

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