
From Writer’s Block to Leadership Insights: Nurturing Creativity and Passion

By: Krissy Fuller

When I first sat down to write this blog, I found myself staring at a blank screen, struggling to find a topic that felt both relevant and inspiring. I started looking at common HR topics and trends and after a few attempted drafts, I just couldn’t bring myself to publish any of them.  If you know me, you know I don’t like missing a deadline (even if it is self imposed), even worse is letting down my readers (don’t burst this bubble), but I had to hold true to my instincts and integrity.  I couldn’t put out a product that I wasn’t proud to put my name on, in this case quite literally.  So I stepped away.  I granted myself the grace to take the “L” this time around.  I had to talk to myself the way I would any member on my team.  Some days we just don’t have it.  That’s ok. I continued to give myself the advice I’d give my team – go do something you enjoy.  Forget about this.  The work will still be here tomorrow.  So I went swimming.  While swimming in my pool; and by swimming I mean lazily floating; I had an epiphany.  This moment of creative drought (my writer’s block) was a microcosm of a larger issue that many leaders face in the workplace – the challenge of maintaining creativity and passion.  This can be within their own work, their team members, or even clients.  It’s something we all face, and quite frankly one that I haven’t seen addressed too often.  And just like that inspiration hit.  I knew this was my topic, and started jotting down the outline on my phone, as “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ ” by Michael Jackson blasted in the background.  It felt perfectly timed.  

Recognizing the Signs

Just as I recognized my own lack of inspiration, leaders must be attuned to similar signs within their teams:

  • Decreased enthusiasm for new projects
  • Repetitive or uninspired ideas in brainstorming sessions
  • A noticeable drop in innovative solutions
  • Increased procrastination or missed deadlines
  • General apathy towards work

These symptoms can indicate a team that’s losing its creative edge and passion for their work.

Understanding the Root Causes

Before we can address the issue, it’s crucial to understand what might be causing this creative slump:

  • Burnout from prolonged periods of high stress
  • Lack of challenging or meaningful work
  • Insufficient recognition for creative efforts
  • Limited opportunities for skill development
  • Poor work-life balance
  • Dare I say it – an uninspiring work environment

Strategies for Reigniting Creativity and Passion

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to create an environment that fosters creativity and nurtures passion. Here are some strategies to consider:

Encourage Time for Exploration

Allow team members dedicated time to explore new ideas or work on passion projects. Companies like Google have famously implemented “20% time” policies, leading to innovations like Gmail and Google News.

Create a Safe Space for Ideas

Foster an environment where all ideas are welcome, and failure is seen as a stepping stone to success. This encourages risk-taking and out-of-the-box thinking.

Provide New Challenges

Offer opportunities for team members to work on different projects or in cross-functional teams. New challenges can reignite passion and spark creativity.

Invest in Continuous Learning

Provide resources for skill development and encourage attendance at conferences or workshops. Learning new things can inspire fresh perspectives.

Recognize and Reward Creativity

Implement a system to recognize and reward creative efforts, not just successful outcomes. This reinforces the value of innovative thinking.

Improve Work-Life Balance

Encourage breaks, vacations, and reasonable working hours. A well-rested mind is more likely to be creative and passionate.  If my floating in the pool didn’t sway you at all, I encourage you to try for yourself.  Maybe not swimming anymore, unless you live on the West Coast where it’s still warm.  A walk in the park, woods, fishing, dancing, painting, mowing the lawn… I’ve got ideas for days for ways to step away and help awaken creativity again. 

Lead by Example

As leaders, we must demonstrate our own passion and creativity. Share your own creative process and show enthusiasm for new ideas.  Also, share your own struggles with your team.  If you’re a solopreneur, try these steps on yourself.  You are your team.  Manage yourself how you would any other team member.  

When we successfully reignite creativity and passion within our teams (or ourselves), the benefits extend far beyond increased productivity. We create a workplace where:

  • Employees feel more fulfilled and engaged
  • Innovation becomes a natural part of the culture
  • Problem-solving becomes more effective and efficient
  • The organization becomes more adaptable to change
  • Talent retention improves as employees find their work more meaningful

My initial struggle to find a blog topic led me to reflect on the broader implications of creativity and passion in the workplace. Remember, creativity and passion are not finite resources – they can be cultivated and renewed. It’s our job as leaders to create the conditions where they can flourish.

What have you done to help yourself or your team reignite their creativity or passion?  I’d love to hear! 


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